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For Best Result
DAT CC is preceding every implementation of project management system by a detailed analysis of requirements and current practices applied in your organization.
Good knowledge of your resources, an infrastructure and business processes gives us the possibility of right assessment of the usefulness of solutions available on the market at an angle of your peculiar needs; at the same time it allows us to prepare the list of technical and organizational requirements of the project realization.
A standard Requirements Team consists of the following units of your organization:
- Project Realization Sponsor
- Main Team Members
- Project Managers
- Test Group
- Resource Management Managers
- Database Administrator
- LAN and WAN Administrators
After consultations with everyone involved in the project DAT CC experts recommend a choice of the most appropriate solution (software). After it’s approval and preliminary estimation of the implementation time, costs and scope we are preparing analytical documentation, used as a starting point for consecutive stages of implementation.